Golfing Basics: Driver Vs Iron Swing

One of the first things a golfer has to learn is how to use different types of swings. This includes understanding the difference between a driver vs iron swing. 

Naturally, every golf club has its own unique set of guidelines that every player must follow if they are to correctly strike the ball. A player can only boast true knowledge of the game when they correctly understand the setup and swing of every golf club in the bag. 

If you are always accurate with your iron swing but keep falling short with your driver, or the opposite, just know that this is a common problem for golfers. 

Most golfers wrongly assume that irons and woods require their unique swing, so much so that they end up tweaking and making unnecessary adjustments that only end up complicating their swing technique. But the difference isn’t in the swing but your swing approach. 

In this article, we highlight the differences between a driver and an iron swing and the best technique for using both.

How to Do a Driver Swing

The most important step to making a good driver is your setup. The major difference in the driver vs the iron swing is in how you attack the golf ball. 

For the driver swing, a golfer should always approach the ball from a launch angle that is slightly upward. This allows the golfer to launch the ball up off the tee allowing for maximum carry and distance. 

How to Do an Iron Swing

An iron swing has to swing down into the ball to allow the loft of the club to move the ball off the ground. Quite a few aspects are similar when it comes to the swing, but some adjustments can significantly help you improve both shots.

What Is the Difference Between a Driver Vs Iron Swing

For a driver swing, the golfer swings up at a ball that’s tied in the air with a low lofted club. This ball should always be placed inside of your front heel, with the handle of the club just right behind the ball. This movement, known as the “high carry driver swing”, propels the ball to fly up into the air. 

In the case of the driving iron, it is quite the opposite. The driving iron swings down on the golf ball that’s on the ground. For this technique, the golfer needs a centered iron and quite a narrow stance in order to effectively strike the ball on the ground. When this technique is rightly executed, it allows the golfer to make a divot after striking the ball. 

It is not uncommon for some golfers to understand one technique better than the other.

Is It Easier to Hit an Iron Than a Driver?

The major difference between an iron and a driver lies in the shape of the clubhead and construction. Iron is a lofted and low iron that permits golfers to reach long distances off the tee. With an iron, the ball trajectory is lower to the ground when compared to a driver.  

A driver is usually the longest club in a golf bag. It also tends to have the largest head among all golf clubs. It is mostly used by golfers during the first stroke or when they need the ball to travel far. 

Each club has its own advantages and disadvantages, including the following:

Advantages Of Using an Iron Club

  • They help to achieve better and longer distance control
  • They’re perfect for windy conditions since they allow the golfer to hit low and long shots

Disadvantages Of Using an Iron Club

  • They aren’t as easy for beginners to use

Advantages Of Using a Driver

  • The driver is the best club to hit off the tee in a tight fairway
  • A driver provides longer shots than woods, irons, or wedges

Disadvantages Of Using a Driver

  • It is one of the most technical golf clubs to use

Tips for Swinging With Your Iron or Driver Clubs

Whenever you pick up iron or a driver, your golf club selection makes an instant statement about your goal for the golf ball. 

When swinging with iron, your goal should be accuracy as opposed to long-distance when swinging with a driver. By swinging an iron, your aim is control. With a driver, your aim is power.

All you need to achieve these subtle differences and goals is to make some changes to your swing approach. These changes include:

1. Body Movement

With your driver, what you need from your golf swing is speed. First, twist through the body to build momentum. Extend the body through the finish, then physically push off the lead foot.

Changes like these help you build a regular swing motion with more speed and energy.

For iron swings, your focus should be on centering your body throughout the swing. If you choose a steady position while rotating the swing around your body, you can deliver a square clubface. This also gives you solid contact and better-controlled ball flight.

2. Weight

For your driver, shifting your weight from side to side while you swing helps you create momentum in shots. Start with more weight on your lead foot and then shift to the foot behind while you swing back. Remember to shift your weight back toward the foot ahead while you swing through. 

For your best golf iron shot, you need less motion and stay centered with a controlled rotation.


There is a slight difference in technique when going for a driver vs iron swing. It is important to get the golf clubs customized to your body and your swing for consistency and optimal accuracy. 

Check out our other articles to help you improve your golfing skills!

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